Education Grant

Love your future.

At Nova, we’re here to help you and we want you to fulfil your potential in a job you love. That’s why we offer a CI$3,000 educational grant to support you through your education or professional qualification.

We understand that your career aspirations may not fall into any one box, which is why our educational grant is open to any course of study that will allow you to pursue a career you love here in Cayman.

The closing date for applications is on the 15th of May annually.


Follow your passion,

fund your dreams.

Have a career you love, but need support to help you in pursuing it? Our grant can help fund your dreams and give you the opportunity to achieve your goals. Don't let financial constraints hold you back from pursuing what you love. Apply today and take the first step towards making your dreams a reality.

Who we've supported so far.

Meet our 2024 grant recipient.

The individual who received our most recent grant is Leah Massally, a Caymanian teacher pursuing her master’s degree in special education, with a specialisation in teaching students with blindness and visual impairment.

A few years ago, a child in one of Leah’s classes had a condition which affected his vision and caused blurry vision. She witnessed the profound effect that specialised support can have on a child with visual impairment, and it was this experience that ignited her passion to become a dedicated educator and advocate for students with visual impairments.

Stories from our grant recipients.

Hear directly from our past education grant recipients about their studies and career goals, and just how the Nova "Love Your Future" Educational Grant has helped them be one step closer to their end career goal.

By Krishna Adapa January 29, 2024
Love Your Future 2023 Educational Grant Recipient - Krishna Adapa updates us on his studies in New York
Achievements Aplenty for Reon Porter
By Reon Porter December 21, 2022
It’s currently December already. Wow; It feels like the year has gone past so quickly! In the early parts of May, I remember grabbing my instructor and convincing him to film a...
Learning Never Stops
By Rita Estevanovich January 15, 2020
Continuous learning is what Rita Estevanovich is striving for as the 2019 Nova ‘Love Your Future’ Scholarship recipient. She is continuing to develop her career in performing arts by studying a Master of Fine Arts...

How it works.

  • Who can apply?

    Grant for Associate’s Degree, Bachelors’ Degree or Professional Qualification

    A grant may be awarded to a successful Caymanian/Permanent Resident student upon graduation from high school as follows:

    • At least 5 IGCSE/GCSE/CXC passes or equivalent

    Grant for Masters’ Program or Equivalent

    A grant may be awarded to a successful Caymanian/Permanent Resident student upon graduation with:

    • Either having accomplished or be predicted a minimum of 2 A Level’s passes or equivalent

    Please note the minimum age requirement for this scholarship is 16 and the educational grant is only open to Caymanians/Permanent Residents.

  • How do I apply?

    There are two parts to the application,

    1. For the first part of your application, you will only need your smartphone: we would like you to send in an engaging 1-minute film telling us what career you would love to do and why!
    2. To go along with your video, we also would like you to write a maximum 500-word answer to each of these questions:
    • What are your key achievements to date?
    • What has been your greatest challenge?
  • What documentation do I need?

    Alongside your application, you'll need to submit:

    1. Contact telephone number and email address;
    2. Proof of Caymanian status: birth certificate or immigration letter and Photo ID or PR Certificate; and
    3. An official high school certificate to show GCSE and/or A-Level qualifications (or equivalent) that meet the above-mentioned requirements.

    If chosen as the successful recipient, you will also be required to submit the following:

    1. Police clearance (valid from within last 6 months)
    2. Proof of enrollment in education/course
  • How much is the education grant for?

    The grant is a one-time grant of CI$3,000. You are however welcome to apply again for future years should you continue to ned funding - in this case you would be asked to apply again to be considered.

  • What can the grant be used towards?

    The grant is open to support you in any course of study or professional qualification that will allow you to pursue a career you love here in Cayman.

    The funds can be put towards housing, course costs, books and course materials or anything else that is needed to help you in your educational journey.

Submit your application.

To register your interest in our education grant, please submit your information below. The deadline for applications if the 15th of May annually and we aim to make decisions on successful recipients by June 1 annually.


Upload Your Application Documents

Please upload all the required application documents for a complete submission. Your application will not be processed without all of the below: 

  1. Video: 1-minute film, telling us what career you would love to do and why!
  2. Essay: maximum 500-word answer to each of these questions: What are your key achievements to date? What has been your greatest challenge?
  3. Proof of Caymanian status/PR: birth certificate and/or immigration letter and Photo ID or PR Certificate; and
  4. An official high school certificate to show GCSE and/or A-Level qualifications (or equivalent) 

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By voluntarily providing us with your personal data you are consenting to us collecting and further processing your personal data. Our company is committed to protecting your privacy, in keeping in line with the Cayman Data Protection Act, we want to take this opportunity to advise you of how we collect and use your information, please refer to our privacy policy for further details.

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