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Scholarship: Achievements Aplenty for Reon Porter
Reon Porter • December 21, 2022


It’s currently December already. Wow; It feels like the year has gone past so quickly! In the early parts of May, I remember grabbing my instructor and convincing him to film a video of me flying so I could submit for the Nova Scholarship, and I am now the proud recipient of the 2022 NOVA “Love Your Future” Award.


Scholarship & Achievements Aplenty 

I know what’s coming: Where am I? What have I been doing? How’s school going? One question at a time, please, and I’ll sign autographs at the end! When writing this blog, I am on a plane from Egypt to Austria – don’t worry, I’ll explain shortly!

I am proud to say that this season of my life has seen much excitement and many achievements, so I’m going to quickly rattle off the list of what’s happened this semester.

  1. Since receiving this scholarship, I was able to complete my IFR Pilot Rating faster than expected, so I picked up 2 additional classes.
    1. I am now able to proudly say I am pursuing my bachelor’s in Aeronautical Science with Flight with three minors in aircraft dispatch, sustainability, and communications at Florida Tech, Melbourne, FL, USA.
  2. I turned 20 in October, and I will be graduating a whole semester before my anticipated graduation date. Sweet Right?!
  3. I am the first ever Black, Caribbean & Caymanian Chief Justice of the Student Body and Chair of the University Disciplinary Committee! (Thank you for the applauses!)

Not All That Glitters is Gold

I won’t sugarcoat everything though because not all that glitters is gold. I won’t just tell you that school is going fantastic, and I love it there because even while that is undeniably true, nothing beats eating conch and Mahi Mahi on Seven Mile Beach and watching the sunset.

I will, however, say that it has been quite a smooth sailing semester: 7 Classes, 5 Flights A Week, 3 Jobs, 2 Hurricanes, and a partridge in a pear tree!

How am, I surviving all that? Coffee and hope, but Walmart seems to be out of hope, so I have settled for ambition.

The Journey Continues

All formalities aside, the Nova Scholarship this year has made a difference in my university journey, so much so that you have seen I picked up a minor in sustainability. With that, I was also selected by the Cayman Islands National Trust to attend the UNFCC COP27 in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt. Plane ride making sense now?

Reon Porter at UNFCC COP27

It has indeed been such an inspirational and beneficial conference, not to mention a whirlpool of networking. It’s only December, so stay tuned for more as my journey continues!

Reon Porter is the recipient of the 2022 “Love Your Future” Scholarship. To find out more about Nova’s scholarship opportunities, click here.

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